Pre-test questionnaire

Welcome to our online STI testing platform. Answering the following questions is essential to evaluate possible risks and estimate the correct time of testing. Our system also evaluates recommendations for testing other STIs and prevention programs. Even though you may be unsure about some of the answers, please complete the questionnaire to the best of your knowledge. You will have a chance to specify the answers in a personal interview with the counselor.

Login - for repeated testing in our organization or information about the results of your tests

I want my first HIV test - run a new questionnaire

If you have received a code (identifier) ​​from your counselor, log in to your questionnaire here. You will be prompted to set your personal PIN when you log in.

All data are recorded anonymously and are used solely for the above purposes and for statistics. Your device's IP addresses are not stored. Therefore, carefully record the generated identifier (code), since it cannot be found out later. You will need the questionnaire identifier (code) when you visit the counseling center personally.